The Learning Ideas Conference

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How are Corporate and Education Learning and Development the Same?

L&D will never be the same. The last year has redefined training. Corporate and Education training both moved online. Our experiences with the move differed. We can learn from each other and make our jobs easier by having a mutually beneficial relationship.

How can we help each other in terms of L&D? The Learning Ideas Conference’s founder and chair, Dr. David Guralnick, first brought our two groups of L&D professionals together in 2008. How are we similar? How are we different? Without giving away our whole conference presentation, here are a few similarities and differences:

  • Lack of technology skills - Schools have a lack of technical skills. Technology was an afterthought for many teachers. Schools are now at a tipping point with older teachers retiring and new teachers coming in. Many of the newer teachers are more familiar and comfortable with technology, but overall academic institutions are behind in technology skills compared to the corporate world.

  • Lack of time - Everyone is typically stretched thin even in good times. It is difficult for any employee to make time to take trainings. They need training modalities that fit into their jobs.

  • Data-driven decisions - Data does two things: proves progress and drives decisions which leads to more progress. Corporations are data-driven and create reports to show they are making progress. Education is slower to make that move, still deciding which numbers to track and report.

  • Spending money - Corporations generally have more money to spend and must justify the expenditures. Proving ROI such as decreased operational expenses is always in corporations' minds. This is not as much of an issue for education due to federal dollars and alumni contributions. Less proof is needed of payback. Though education budgets are getting tighter and are moving toward proving ROI such as increased enrollments.

Which camp are you from? Corporate, education, or both? I'd appreciate your answering this poll. It will help us in our presentation. Plus, check back right before the conference and see how many of your fellow attendees are from the same group and face the same challenges.

Did we miss something on the list? Is there something there you don’t agree with? Let us know in the comments below and let's have a conversation. And be sure to attend our presentation at 11:00 AM Eastern time / 8:00 AM Pacific time on Thursday to learn more and ask questions.

[Photo on main blog page by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash]